Tuesday, March 31, 2009

ENVISION KENTVILLE: ICSP Open House Summary & Findings

The 1st “Envision Kentville” ICSP Open House was held at the Kentville Fire Hall on Monday, March 9 2009. The event well-attended by Town of Kentville citizens and Town of Kentville Staff & Council alike.

Attendance: 52 Confirmed (+60 throughout the night)

The evening consisted of introductions from Mayor Corkum and Councillor Bolland followed by a Power Point presentation on Integrated Community Sustainability Planning and Sustainability from ICSP Co-ordinator Brennan Vogel. There were no questions from the audience after the presentation.

The second portion of the evening was an “Asset Mapping” exercise. The participants were divided into 3 groups and participated in 3 rotating stations that were focused on gathering participant input on the Economic, Environmental & Social/Cultural Community Assets of Kentville. In addition to gathering this Community Asset data, the participants were invited to comment on how these community assets contribute to the community wellbeing and how these community assets are under threat.

This information was then voted on by all of those in attendance. Participants were asked to rank their top three Community Assets (One from each category). These ranked Assets provide us with a valuable first insight into what the community values collectively – particularly when there are themes repeated across the 3 categories. It is unfortunate that the voting may not accurately represent the views of all of those in attendance given the discrepancy between the total numbers of votes (max. 36) and the confirmed participant list (52). This signifies that some people left before voting. However, the data is still relevant as first ‘snapshot’ of what the community values in Kentville and will be cross-referenced for validity in future consultations and public processes. Please find the Ranked Assets (in no particular order) below.


The Hospital was ranked #1 Economic Asset (11 votes) & the #2 Social/Cultural Asset (4 votes) was the Health System indicating health (i.e. health system, health resources, health infrastructure, access to health care) has multiple values in the community.

The Cornwallis River, Wildlife, Trails & Miners Marsh were ranked #2 among Economic Assets (8 votes). Green Space, Climate/Geographic Location, Trails & Millbrook Greenspace received a total of 16 votes for Environmental Assets; while Water, the protection of Aquifers and the Cornwallis River received 5 votes for Environmental Assets. This indicates a broad community interest in the environment (land/water) with a particular value placed on green space, the river and the community trail system.

RECREATION (Fields, Soccer Dome, Ball Fields, Rinks, Trails, Organizations, Dance)
Ranking as the #1 Social/Cultural Asset for Kentville was Recreation Facilities (with 14 votes). The value of recreation was also recognized in the other categories (3 votes in Economic Assets & 4 votes in Environmental Assets). This signifies that the Citizens of Kentville identify access to recreation spaces and recreational opportunities as something of major community value.

Town land for future development was recognized as an Economic Asset (3 votes) and also as an Environmental Asset (3 votes) indicating community interest in the theme of land development. Further evidence of this interest in land development is identification of farmland as an Economic Asset (1 vote) and the protection of farmland as an Environmental Asset (2 votes). Based on these findings, further exploration of this theme is warranted for future consultations.

The identification of History, Expertise and Talent as an Economic Asset (3 votes) combined with the identification of Knowledge Assets for Renewable Energy (1 vote) as an Environmental Asset, in addition to the identification of Town History, NSCC, volunteers and people of the Town as Social/Cultural Assets (7 votes in total) indicates community interest in the theme of human resources. Further exploration of this theme is warranted.

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